The most hard-working machine on your farm is undoubtedly your tractor. Not only does it do the work it was designed for, but, with the use of implements, it can also tackle a whole lot of other jobs that come up. Tractor manufacturers make their machines compatible with a number of implements that can make short work of all those tasks you need to finish. 

Holzhauer Pro Motorsports is your local Mahindra tractor dealer and we know that those who own or care for land have a long list of jobs. That’s why we’ve created this list of tasks you can tackle with your tractor. You just need to get the right attachment for your needs. 

To see some quality tractors for sale and their implements, visit our dealership in Nashville, IL. We proudly serve the people of St. Louis, MO, and Carbondale, IL. 

Clearing Land

Are there some areas of your land that need to be mowed? Or do you have a lot of brush that needs to be cleared away? You can use your tractor to do both. Even the most powerful riding mowers can’t help you out with grass that’s grown over six inches tall. Ask your tractor dealer about an attachment that’s compatible with your machine and will help you tackle all that grass and brush in no time!

Your tractor can easily handle long and wide fields of normal grass by just pulling a cutting implement. These implements are much sturdier than smaller mowing decks, so you won’t have to worry so much about hitting thick grass or debris like small rocks and sticks. Smaller tractors can even be used to finish lawns for a clean, professional look. 


To handle a number of different gardening tasks, such as tilling, seedbed prep and weed control, you can turn to lawn and garden tractors. With a tilling attachment, you can handle a whole bunch of these tasks. Usually mounted at the back of a tractor, these implements break up hard dirt into workable soil. To level the area out and prepare the beds, you can use a scraper or a box blade. Cultivators make delivering nutrients to your soil easier than ever. These implements can help you maintain everything from backyard gardens to multi-crop fields.


If you’re a landscaper looking for a reliable machine to help you make quick work of your jobs, check out some of our compact tractors for sale. With a handful of attachments, you can do a lot with your tractor. For example, a loader attachment can make material transportation a quick and painless task. A tractor with a front-end loader can lift and carry all manner of material across a property with ease.

If you spend a lot of time working manually on your land, ask your tractor dealer about some attachments that will help take the burden off you. Spreaders and sprayers are very useful for landscapers. You can hitch up a utility cart to carry additional implements, tools or material from job to job, or attach a backhoe to dig out holes for new plants and trees.

Livestock Management

If you care for livestock then you know about the amount of work required to keep them healthy. There’s a whole lot to do and your tractor is ready to help! Loaders are great for moving around feed and cleaning manure. There are also a bunch of implements that can help with other tasks, from manure forks to grinder-mixers designed specifically for livestock management. 

Snow Clearing

If you’ve got a bit of snow on your driveway, a snow blower will help you clear it out. For anything more than that, you’ll need a machine that packs power. Many people are used to winter snow, but some parts of the country see the white stuff for six months out of the year, and those who do need a good way of clearing it. Clear long driveways, rural roads, or just some local trails with a specialized loader or snow plow attachment. There are also blower attachments that can throw snow completely out of your way.

When you’re ready to look at tractors for sale, ask your tractor dealer about which implements can help you do the other jobs on your list. Holzhauer Pro Motorsports is your local Mahindra dealer so visit us to check out some reliable tractors for sale in Nashville, IL. Come by today and speak with our team of tractor experts. We welcome all our patrons from St. Louis, MO, and Carbondale, IL.